Biden’s AI Risk Reduction: Executive Order

    “Biden’s Executive Order Addresses AI Risks and Regulation” President Joe Biden takes steps to mitigate AI risks in consumer, worker, and national security domains with a new executive order. Developers of AI systems with potential national security, economic, public health, or safety risks are required to share safety test results with the U.S. government. The…

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      Hamas-Backed Hacktivists Target Israeli Organizations

      A group of hacktivists aligned with Hamas has been observed utilizing a newly developed Linux-based wiper malware called BiBi-Linux Wiper. Their target: Israeli organizations during the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict. The malware, identified as an x64 ELF executable, lacks obfuscation or protective measures. It enables attackers to specify target folders and, if run with root permissions,…

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        Russia’s Multiscanner: A VirusTotal Alternative

        Russia Developing National-Level Antivirus System, Multiscanner, to Counter Western Surveillance Reports from Russian media indicate that Russia is in the process of creating its own national-level antivirus system, named Multiscanner, akin to Google’s subsidiary Chronicle-owned VirusTotal. A working prototype of this antivirus solution is expected to be released later this year, with full-scale operation across…

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